Our key to success is that we are able to offer one-on-one, personalized experience starting with when you you contact us. Every question, call and email is answered promptly-by a lawyer, not a paralegal or assistant. We strive to keep you informed of your case status, every step of the way.
We take pride in our service like returning client calls the same day or being able to meet clients at their in the hospital, your office or on occasion your home, you deserve to have quick access to the attorney representing your case. For us it’s all about solid client relationships.
Hurt in an accident? Talk to a Knoxville Tn Car Accident Lawyers who Understand
We have people come to our office, all the time of course who are in a lot of pain, who are suffering because of their injury that they have incurred at some point. Either a car accident or a workers compensation or a medical malpractice or a slip and fall. I can identify with what you’re going through. Because three years ago I was in a horrible auto accident myself. I almost lost my life. The person crossed the center line and hit me head on. I found out I had a broken neck, I was fitted with a body cast. And you talking about painful, I was in a lot of pain. So I can identify with what you’re experiencing.
Personal Injury Attorney in Knoxville Tn Videos
After a motorbike collision, though you’re shaken and possibly injured, if you are not seriously injured and able to safely walk, you should try to gather as much information as you can from other vehicle drivers, all passengers and any witnesses who saw what happened. If you have had motorcycle accident injuries, start by writing down how you feel and information about your injuries as soon as possible, as a record of your injuries will be very valuable in any motorcycle accident lawsuit or bike crash insurance claim. Then begin to take down other key information, such as drivers’ license numbers and insurance policy details, weather and visibility conditions, location, basic details of the motorcycle crash with a diagram, if possible, and, if you have a camera available, take a few snapshots of the motorcycle accident scene and even injuries that you and/or your passenger may have sustained. All these details will be invaluable in the days and weeks to come.
If you were injured on the job, on the job injuries take many forms, from repetitive stress injuries, burn injuries and electrocution to broken back, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. Your job injury investigation may require a full assessment of safety violations, workstation set-up, medical evaluations, proof of improper employee training and negotiations with employers. It will very likely require an “independent medical exam,” or I.M.E., and a great deal of difficult paperwork, including keeping a journal of your on the job injury and subsequent pain and how you’re limited. As longtime worker compensation attorneys, we can help you navigate through the entire claims process. If your employer is a non-subscriber, we can sue him or her for job injury medical costs and other related expenses. We prepare quality work injury lawsuits for our clients and can do the same for you too.
If you have had personal injuries and you are suffering and need sound advice to help you recover – physically, emotionally and financially. About Us – Let us go to work on your behalf. Call (877) 496-6580 You need justice, and we’re here to help you get the best outcome for your case.
Personal Injury Lawyer